april blooms
Dear Readers,
The farm is glowing from sun and spring rain.
Everything is so green! It's stunning, and it makes me glad to be a farmer.
High Tunnel Dorothy was worth every penny. The anemones are blooming faster than I can cut them. We were away all day yesterday for Passover and Easter celebrations, and when I got back, the entire bed of anemones was in full bloom.
In High Tunnel Bill, Dusty Miller is growing nicely (right) and I threw in some veggies just for us (left). Stock, delphinium, and more ranunculus are coming along too.
Having flowers this early in the high tunnels is already making a difference in our business. It's important to have product right as the weather warms up because that's when people are really excited to buy! We're enjoying the appreciation from all of our florists and friends. Hopefully the whole season will be this bountiful!
I wish you all a barefoot walk through grass.
Laura Beth
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