behind the scenes
Dear Readers,
Last month, we asked our photographer friend, the amazing Paula B, to take some photos at the farm. We wanted shots of the flowery paradise that it is, but also some shots of the mundanity that is running this business.
For example, every morning, it takes me about three tries to open the barn door. I'm pretty strong, but not very tall! It's a struggle.
Did it!
As with any business that provides a product, we double and triple check invoices before packing up the truck to deliver flowers.
There is, in general, a lot more note-taking than you might expect. How are the crops doing? How much is available? What needs to be done?
We sometimes sit at a picnic table behind our house during meetings. It's a lot more fun to talk numbers when you're eating cookies, surrounded by farmland.
Boots! There's a lot of shoe changing during the day. Waterproof muck boots in the morning, hiking boots in the afternoon once the dew dries, and flip flops if I have to walk back out to turn on the electric fences in the evening.
These little, normal things make up a day at the farm. Other than the fact that normally I'm wearing dirty farm clothes, these photos are true to form!
I wish you all a little pleasure in something mundane this week.
Laura Beth