winter hibernation means dreaming of spring

Dear Readers,

Winter is a time for dreaming of a cutting garden. Dreamers, we’re growing your plants! This spring, we’re having a Cutting Garden Plant Sale. RSVP here!


If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or a new business owner, we’ve got you covered with our workshop, the Creative Entrepreneur. It’s taught by Baltimorean businesswomen and it’s back by popular demand, so register quickly before we sell out!


Our Headcrown Design Class with Local Color Flowers is always such a hit that we’re doing TWO this year. The first one is in the spring (expect ranunculus!).


We’ve seen more than a few first dates at our Farm Tours, plus family outings, flower lovers and gardeners coming to learn, and curious Baltimoreans enjoying a morning outside. Join us for any or all of our Tours, which are just like open houses- and everyone takes flowers home! RSVP here.

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If you like arranging flowers all over your house, check out our all-flower CSA during July and August. It’s a fabulous present for a loved one, not to mention the perfect self-care gift to yourself!

Those are all of my public service announcements for now! The next post will be all about our winter growing adventure, stay tuned! Thanks to L.A. Birdie Photography for the photos. I wish you all a delicious winter hibernation.

Laura Beth

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