rainy farm day
Dear Readers,
Truthfully, I'm pooped. Business is slow this time of year, it's hot, everyone (but me?!) is on vacation, and the weeding is starting to get old. It's little things like some friends at the farm and some glorious photography that keep me energized!
It is such a pleasure to see the farm through someone else's eyes. On Saturday, my new friend Jen, the oboist in the orchestra I play in, came with her lovely family and friends:
Also, our new baker/farmer friend Peter came to help out on the farm. I don't have a picture of him, so you can have a flower picture instead...
And another new friend came out on Saturday-- Benjamin Crossley, who I met on the Marc train a few months ago when I needed to borrow a cell phone and he stepped up. Benjamin happens to be a photographer and journalist, and lucky for me- he loves flowers! All of the beautiful pictures in this post are his.
It started to rain and thunder, so we stood under a tree for a while.
I did run out from the tree shelter to gather a quick bouquet for Benjamin to take home.
Apparently when he's not at work, he likes taking pictures of flowers at home. Great minds!...
Thanks so much to Jen, Peter, and Benjamin for joining me and Jascha at the farm on Saturday! Oh hey speaking of Saturdays- there's a headwreath design class at the farm this Saturday. You should come!
I wish you all a cool shady tree!
Laura Beth