story time

Dear Readers,

People often ask me what I do in the winter. Do I hibernate like a bear?


Actually, I kind of used to, in the days before we had greenhouses.


Now, there is a diverse list of to-do’s, from farm work in the greenhouses, to office work and meetings with florists.


One big project we just finished: giving a new look to our website! Please peruse! We aren’t web designers over here, just farmers with access to Youtube videos about using Squarespace :) But I love how it turned out!


My favorite new feature is the Our Story page. When I sat down to write it, I couldn’t believe how easily the words came. The thing is, when you’re in your own life, you don’t know you’re part of a story until you look back and see it unfolding behind you.


I wonder what new stories are in the making now?


Enormous thanks to Julie Hove Anderson Photography, who wanted to capture the first frost on the farm and boy did she ever!

I wish you all a beautiful, sparkling New Year.

Laura Beth

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