in the greenhouse
Dear Readers,
Thousands of little baby plants are growing in our greenhouse. It's glorious to tuck seeds safely into soil and watch them grow. Below, our Beginning Farmer Training Program trainee Carin helps drop one cerinthe seed into each cell of the seedling tray.
Then, we sprinkle soil on top of the seeds. Cerinthe doesn't need light to germinate, but I like to use a fine potting soil whenever covering seeds up, so that nothing obstructs their little growing tendrils as they find the light.
We label each seedling tray with a waterproof marker...
And then "water it in," or give it a nice gentle soak to kickstart the germination process.
photo courtesy of swallowtail seeds
The majority of seedlings in the greenhouse right now are snapdragons (above left). We're growing a bounty of them for our early summer weddings, florist sales, and CSA. In addition to some old favorites, we're testing out a variety called Lucky Lips this year, see above right!
Jascha and I are pooped from a big trip to the farm supply store in Pennsylvania this morning... so I'm signing off! I wish you all a whiff of a hyacinth,
Laura Beth