
Dear Readers,

Two weeks late, we've got tulips! Tulips are always third to bloom in the field, right after daffodils and hellebores. I'm so grateful to see the buds flush with color after this long, tough winter.


We PULL tulips rather than cut them, since much of their stem length is under the ground. They pull right up with a satisfying POP. Then they need to be washed, bunched with rubber bands, and packed away in our cooler.


Someone asked me today how I stay sane with such crazy weather on the farm. My immediate response was that I have an amazing farm team. When it's windy and snowing and freezing, as it was for much of the last month, we turn to each other for support and a laugh.


Jascha and I were super excited to get some help on the farm from our new crops manager Peter, but we couldn't have predicted what a joy it would be to have him around. Not only is Peter is kicking butt and taking names around here, but he is also thinking of ways to be punny about 87% of the time. 


Oh hey, we got T shirts! We normally don't sell them on our website, but right now we're holding a T shirt sale that ends Wednesday night. Get one while you can, details here!


I wish you all a good pun.

Laura Beth