badass women
Dear Readers,
We co-hosted the Creative Entrepreneur, a small business workshop for women, on Monday. The barn was cozy with 36 participants and 8 speakers.
I was a ball of nervous energy before the workshop started... there were about to be so many badass women in the room, and I wanted to give them an amazing day!
Thanks to our wonderful speakers, the workshop was just what I'd hoped it could be. Here are some notes I wrote throughout the day:
Strategy is about saying "no."
Set measurable targets.
Have a diverse team so that there are people who belong
to minority groups in the room, thinking with you.
Ask yourself "why?" 7 times to understand the problem.
Hire people the second you need them; it's an investment that pays off.
Setting boundaries is more about loving yourself than it is about putting up walls.
Pursue service to the community along with having a financially sustainable business.
Imagine your audience; create characters that your business serves,
and then cater your marketing to their needs.
You could almost see the barn glowing with energy and the happy light of women sharing with women.
I wish you all a spring weekend!
Laura Beth