What Now?
Dear Readers,
It's a cold, rainy day. I haven't been to the farm much in the past week due to the craze of moving (Jascha and I live in Pikesville now-- no more commuting to the farm! Plus constant access to Goldberg's Bagels). There are only odd jobs left now: mulching perennials like lavender and phlox, gathering odds and ends like shovels and low tunnel hoops from the field, cleaning up the shed, rolling up irrigation lines. It's a little sad to see the farm looking so flat, but then I remember this:
Once we get a hoophouse, our season will be extended by about a month- so we'll hopefully be full-time farming through Thanksgiving. For now, our season is done. So, what are we doing? We both have a few different part time jobs, in addition to the crop planning, seed ordering, farm meeting attending, conference going, financial forecasting, and general decompressing. Jascha also just started designing websites specifically for farmers! So we're busy.
We're also accepting applications for our CSA shares. Lots of people are giving shares as gifts for the holidays! Here's an example of just one of three tin pails that come with each delivery for our Butterbee CSA share members:
There are a few upcoming events that we'll be at-- and so should anyone interested! The first is a holiday craft fair called Makers Alley at Local Color Flowers. It's December 6 from 9am to 1pm.
We'll also be featured in two workshops at the upcoming Future Harvest CASA conference Jan.15-17. In one, we'll be talking about local flowers, and in another, we're on a panel of beginning farmers and experienced farmers. This conference is great not just for farmers, but also for food enthusiasts and gardeners. There are workshops on making fermented food, bee keeping, social justice... it'll be awesome!
I wish you all a warm Thanksgiving and a turkey-shaped piece of chocolate.
Laura Beth