winter (spring??) update

Dear Readers,

Winter storms, bone-freezing temperatures, wind, hail- the farm has seen it all in the past few weeks. 


We're lucky that no major damage was done to our infrastructure. But, we did discover a fungal disease called botrytis on our ranunculus, likely caused by too much humidity under frost blankets.

I'll be a little fidgety for the next few days, until I know whether our precautions against botrytis is working (extra ventilation, new frost cloth, organic-certified fungicides, plant probiotics).

last season's ranunculus blooms

last season's ranunculus blooms

In other news, our new logo is finished! Artist Paige Vickers did a beautiful job. 


Oh, and another happy piece of news: our Funding your Small Farm class in April filled up so fast that we added another class in May! Sign up and details here.

I wish you all a crisp hard cider and a good comfort movie, preferably starring Meg Ryan.

Laura Beth

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